From 2018 to 2021, sadly, 41 people lost their lives in elevator accidents in the US. That’s not all – over 19,000 people needed emergency medical attention for elevator-related injuries between 2020 and 2021. These numbers clearly show the importance of keeping elevators safe.

For building managers, elevator safety means creating a safe environment for everyone who uses the elevator. It involves responsibilities like maintenance, emergency preparedness, and monitoring. These tasks help reduce the risk of accidents.

Your elevator should be a reliable mode of transportation, not a source of anxiety. Luckily, you can take control of your elevator safety with certain basics.

Regular Maintenance

Frequent maintenance helps spot small elevator issues before they become major breakdowns or accidents. It ensures your elevator runs smoothly and efficiently. As a result, there’ll be fewer breakdowns and less waiting for the elevator to arrive.

Decide how often your elevator needs check-ups and stick to the schedule. It’s best to leave elevator maintenance to experts. Find a qualified company that knows your specific elevator model.

You should also check all the important parts of your elevator, like the brakes, doors, and safety devices. A professional can help lubricate the moving parts and test your elevator protocols and communication systems. Detailed records of all the maintenance work done on their elevator can help them identify patterns and improve maintenance routines.

Emergency Preparedness

Imagine a roadmap that guides you through any elevator emergency. That’s what an emergency preparedness plan is. It tells you what to do if the elevator gets stuck, breaks down, loses power, experiences a fire, or if someone needs medical attention.

To create one, you should investigate potential hazards. Identify any weak points in your elevator system or building. You should also form a team of trained individuals who can handle different emergencies, from communication to technical fixes.

Clear instructions on how to report emergencies, contact help, and keep everyone informed will also help. Plan the escape route, educate your team and tenants on the plan, and test your plan to improve it.

Clear Instructions and Signage

Clear instructions and signs are like the safety manual for your elevator. They show everyone how to use it safely and what to do in an emergency. When people know what to do and what not to do, there are fewer chances of accidents.

Even more, if the elevator gets stuck or has a problem, clear instructions can help people stay calm. But clear signs and instructions need to be easy for everyone to understand. It’s because people from all walks of life use a commercial elevator.

As such, building managers should think about the most important things people need to know. Use big letters, bright colors, and pictures to ensure everyone notices the signs and instructions. You should also put the signage in the right places and update it if anything changes.

Access Control and Monitoring

You need to control and monitor access to ensure that only authorized people can use the elevator. No unwanted guests means less risk of accidents or security breaches. By controlling elevator usage, you can avoid overloading and see who uses the elevator.

Special keys or cards can help since each person gets their key or card that unlocks the elevator. With fingerprint or face scans, the elevator only opens if it recognizes you. But for this to work, you should choose the right system.

Consider security, cost, type of elevator, and how many people use the elevator. Afterward, install the equipment, program the system, and give everyone their access key. The system will need regular maintenance and updates.

Tenant Education and Awareness

If you teach tenants how to use elevators and what to watch out for, you can drastically lower the risk of accidents and injuries. When tenants know what to look for, they’re more likely to report any potential problems with the elevator. This way, you can fix things before they become major issues.

Tenants will likely follow the rules when they know elevator safety. These rules may include not overloading the elevator or using the handrails. They help reduce your legal liability in case of an accident.

You can hand out informative pamphlets or brochures to spread awareness of elevator safety. Clear instructions and signs in elevators and lobbies can also help. The same applies to workshops, training sessions, safety drills, and simulations.

Record Keeping and Reporting

You should keep records on elevator safety to prove you’re following the rules. Records help spot problems before they happen since they show past elevator repairs and issues. This way, you can identify trends and fix things before they become big problems.

Think of records as a roadmap. They help you decide on repairs and upgrades to increase occupancy. They show your commitment to building safety and can be crucial for legal matters.

So, how do you keep good records? Pick an organized system, whether it’s digital or a binder. The records may cover inspections, repairs, incidents, training, and certificates.

You should also follow the same rules for documenting information. Do this to make things clear and easy to find. And lastly, protect your records from damage or loss and decide how long to keep them.

Regulatory Compliance

As a building manager, you want to ensure people using your elevators are safe. That’s why elevator safety regulations are so important. They’re rules on constructing, using, and maintaining an elevator.

Complying with regulations helps avoid accidents. On the other hand, breaking the rules can lead to expensive fines and lawsuits. And some insurance companies won’t cover you if you don’t follow the rules.

Research local, state, and national regulations to stay compliant. You should also understand standards like ASME A17.1 and IBC. Stay updated on any changes in these laws, too.

Ready to Implement Elevator Safety Protocols?

Don’t let elevator safety be a source of anxiety. Take control and empower yourself with knowledge. With the tips in this guide, you can ensure a secure ride for everyone in your building.

Need help with improving elevator safety in your building? Murphy Elevator Company has your back if you need to install, maintain, repair, or modify your elevator. Get a free quote today and see why Murphy is the trusted choice for all your elevator needs.

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