Do you own or manage a property with elevators in the city of Cincinnati? Read more for vital information to keep your elevators in compliance with the city.
The city of Cincinnati office of buildings and inspections has a new electronic portal for managing certifications, inspections, and safety tests. All building owners and managers must register and link their elevators to their account to stay in compliance with the city. This has caused a lot of confusion for our customers and there is precious little documentation about this, and the information out there is hard to find. My goal here is to outline what you need to do if you are a Cincinnati building owner or manager with elevator assets.
The name of this portal is Cagis, or EZTrak. You access this portal here.
There is excellent help documentation here
If you have already successfully registered and linked your elevators, skip to step 3
- The first step is you must register for an account. If you need assistance, you can search the help documentation for “ezTrak Edge Overview“
- Once you are registered for a Cagis account, you must link your elevators to your account. The only way to do this as of now (7/14/20) is to call the city of Cincinnati 513-352-3271 and ask them to link your account.
- Once your elevators are linked, you can now manage your elevators in the portal. This is important because you must keep your operating certificates up to date, and the only way to do this is inside this portal. If are just now registering, your certificates are almost certainly past due. In Cincinnati, the license cycle is August 1st – July 31st, with new cycle renewal payments starting July 15th. More info on this subject is here. A certificate of operation will not be issued until the required safety tests are current. Which brings us to the next section.
- You must give your elevator company the ability to upload their safety test documents. This is the part that trips up our customers the most. You can read how to do this here. If you do not set your current elevator company as the “safety test company,” they cannot upload your safety test documents, and then you cannot receive a current operating certificate.
- A state inspector may come to your site to inspect your elevator. If anything is out of compliance, the inspector will issue a “self certification report.” Examples of violations might be a past due safety test, 2 way communication not working, various lighting not working, etc. If you receive a report like this, you must send it to your elevator service provider. We do not receive a copy of this report unless the owner sends it to us. Once all items on the report are complete by your elevator contractor, the owner is responsible for uploading the signed report into the portal. Here is instruction on how to upload this report.
Finally, if you have trouble with any of these instructions, here are support resources:
- For help with initial registration and to link elevators to your portal account: Cincinnati Office of Building and Inspections – 513-352-3271
- For Cagis ezTrak help documentation:
- For Cagis ezTrak technical support: 513-352-1980 or email [email protected]